Look out world! Beckett and his sweet face will really steal your heart!

Those eyes! We think he is going to have a strong future as a model and break a lot of hearts doing it! Let's get to know Beckett and his family a little better and see how much he loves his Florida Kid Co swaddles!
"Where is your family from?"
My husband and I (Lauren) moved here from Connecticut a year ago. He’s originally from Melbourne, and we met while he was doing his residency in foot and ankle surgery at Yale! We currently live in Satellite Beach. We had our first baby, Beckett, on March 22nd.

"What was it like having a little one during Covid19?"
It certainly wasn’t what I had expected having our first child would be like! It was very hard not having our families there with us or able to visit in the hospital, but I am thankful that my husband Ryan was allowed to be by my side. Looking back now, it was definitely a more intimate experience and made us stronger as a couple.
"What are your favorite things to do here on the Space Coast? Do you have any favorite places to shop for Beckett?"
We love to visit the beach, go for walks, paddle board and kayak in the canal, and visit local restaurants (we can’t wait until it’s safe to do this again!). Although most of our purchases during covid have been through Amazon and online shopping, we love Coastal Cloth Baby, and of course, Target!

"What do you think of the Florida Kid Co swaddles?"
I love them! They are super soft and gentle, and they are so colorful and fun. I’d love to see sea shells, palm trees, and maybe even rocket ships! :)

Want to get your own surfboard swaddle?
Visit our resource page for Florida Kid Co!