This Space Coast family found a unique way to survive quarantine! Read on to find out more!

"Are you and your family originally from Brevard County?
I was born and raised in Brevard County, but my husband is from Charlotte, NC. I moved to North Carolina for college and moved to Charlotte after graduation, which is where I met my husband. Â Once Henry was born, we decided to move back to Melbourne to raise our children here. Â We love that they are able to go to the beach whenever they want, can watch rocket launches, and be active and outside year round. Â Not many people can say that!
"What are your favorite kid friendly spots in Brevard County?"
We love going to the zoo, walking around Wickham Park and hitting the playground afterwards, the beach. We love the beach! We are at either Spessard Holland or off Desoto almost every weekend.

"A lot of mommies would think you have the perfect kiddo combo, one boy and one girl. Do you notice big differences between raising a boy and a girl?"
When Henry was a baby, he was tough! He was colicky and never slept. As he’s gotten older, he’s still tough! He’s wild, but fun. Once we found out Mackenzie was a girl, I’m not going to lie...I was a little relieved! I thought for sure she would be a breeze since girls are supposed to be easier. I.was.wrong.  She started off calm and then once she was more aware and started moving (which was pretty early), she’s been chasing after Henry and hasn’t looked back. She is just as wild, but she is a lot more serious than he is. He will do anything to make anyone laugh, and she will sit and stare at you until you look away from her!  I do think that the boy and girl combo is fun, and I’m excited to see how their relationship grows as they get older.

"Are you a Florida Kid Co fan?
I love them! I love how soft they are, and the patterns are precious.  It’s always nice to find patterns that are Florida related, and aren’t too baby-Ish (is that a word?) So that they can be used beyond just the newborn phase. I love how they are pretty gender neutral as well.
"You created something fun during quarantine, tell us about that!"
We created Quarantined Cocktails (on Instagram) out of boredom! Almost every Friday night we go to Fiesta Azteca, and Saturday’s we love to stroll through downtown. We missed our weekly margaritas from Fiesta Azteca, and we missed other cocktails we would normally get while out. With the new found time on our hands, we decided to try to recreate all the different cocktails, plus some, that we would normally get while out and about. We figured that other people were missing their happy hours out, so wanted to share recipes to bring happy back to happy home.
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