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Community, Empowerment, and Fitness with Others Moms - The Benefits of Fit4Mom Space Coast

Space Coast Baby

We got to spend some time with a Fit4Mom family to talk about WHY Fit4Mom is a solution when you are a mom who is looking for community, looking for self care and fitness options, and for a place where you can make friends with like minded individuals.

Taylor and her family gave us a peek into why Fit4Mom is the perfect solution for her and her little one.

"Tell us about you and your family!"

My husband and I are both originally from Maryland, he grew up in Baltimore County and I grew up in a DC suburb and we met when I was still in college in Baltimore. Almost exactly four years ago we moved down to the Melbourne area for Justin’s job in the defense industry. I was a teacher prior to our move and transitioned to healthcare here in Melbourne, but since having our daughter, Ryan, I’ve been a stay at home mom. While we miss our family back in Maryland it’s been fun to make the Space Coast our home for the last four years!

"How did you find Fit4Mom, when did you start, and what are your favorite classes?"

I think Bekah first started reaching out to me about 6 months or so after our daughter was born. I’d seen her posts on Facebook, but just wasn’t really sure if it was for me or not. Thankfully, she was persistent, and I finally decided to take advantage of her first class free offering in February of 2019. I loved it!! I attended a Strides 360 class for my first class, and signed up immediately after class. Unfortunately quarantine lockdown occurred almost immediately after attending my first class, but Bekah and the other instructors offered virtual options that were lifesaving while stuck at home. My favorite class is Stroller Strides - I love the songs and attention we’re able to pay to our babies while exercising at the same time!

"What are some of the benefits of doing Fit4Mom?"

What isn’t a benefit to doing Fit4Mom!? I know that seems extreme, but it’s honestly been so true for me and my family. I love that I can get a good workout in and know that my daughter is well cared for because she’s either right with me in her stroller or being entertained by the mama teaching class. I also love that I get a really good workout in! I was a Division 1 soccer player, and felt like a mommy and me fitness class couldn’t possibly challenge me and boy was I wrong! What I love most about Fit4Mom is that every exercise and move we do in class can be modified to meet you at your level - so if you’ve just had a kiddo and need to take it easy, you’re about to have a kiddo and need to take it easy, or your like me and looking for a challenge, you will get exactly the right workout for you that day. And of course the plus is that you are working out with other moms who are just fantastic to be around. I always leave class feeling accomplished and confident and strong. It’s very empowering and puts my mind at ease to know that if my kid has a meltdown no one is going to shame me for it because all of the other moms there get it!

"You're training for a half marathon, tell us about your running training and your upcoming half! Do you run with your daughter?"

I am currently training for the Space Coast Half Marathon! This will be my fifth half marathon, my second since having Ryan, and I’m very excited! Training has been going very well, I’m up to 9 miles on my long weekend run. I do occasionally run with Ryan - though I will say it’s not so easy anymore now that she’s almost 30 lbs and the stroller itself weighs about 15 or so. We actually just did six miles together this week and while I love running with her in the stroller, I think my max might be 3 miles from now on. I get most of my running done prior to her waking up before my husband goes to work around 5:30 or 6 in the morning.

"Do you have recommendations for moms in the area who would like to start exercising, running, or who would like to meet other moms with littles the same age?"

Honestly, I would definitely tell them to check out Fit4Mom to start! I think a lot of moms might think they have to be in shape before they start (I did) or they may feel they won’t be challenged enough (I also did), but Fit4Mom is so much more than a fitness group. The moms are all wonderful and it’s a built in playgroup for my daughter. We so look forward to attending class and Ryan loves getting to see her Fit4Mom friends.

"What is one of your favorite things to do in the area with your daughter?"

It’s so hard to pick just one! We love going to the beach and to the Brevard Zoo. We used to go to the library all the time prior to Covid-19 restrictions and are hopeful for the day when we can attend our usually story time again.

Interested in hearing more about Fit4Mom? Check out the Fit4Mom resource page here:



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