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From Space Coast Ultrasound to Space Coast Baby!

Space Coast Baby

As a mom, one of our favorite memories of pregnancy is the ultrasound. When you get to see your little bean before they arrive, or maybe that's when you find out if you're having a boy or a girl. Either way, it is a profound moment that we look forward to until we get to meet our babies in person. Space Coast Baby is proud to feature this local mom and baby to tell you about their experience with our resource - Space Coast Ultrasound - and what it's been like having a little guy in 2020.

"Tell us a bit about your experience at Space Coast Ultrasound."

My boyfriend and I went to space Coast ultrasound for a 3-D look at our little guy when I was 28 weeks pregnant. Rebecca was amazing and was able to give us great pictures of his little face. Turns out some of the pictures she gave us of him sleeping is how he still sleeps today. They also supplied us with the best goodie bag to go home with, it had a magnet picture frame for the fridge, a framed picture, a heartbeat teddy bear, some snacks and a print out of some more pictures. More than I could’ve ever asked for. If we have another little bundle in a couple years we will definitely be visiting again!!

We'd love to hear more about you and your family.

My boyfriend and I both grew up in Melbourne, I work at a department of defense company here in town and he owns his own business. We’re pretty boring people (haha) we just like to hang out with our friends and grill out on the weekends usually. Lincoln is the best addition to our family that we could’ve ever asked for. ☺️

"What has your experience been like, having a baby in a crazy year like 2020?"

Being pregnant during Covid was very boring. I ended up working from home starting in March, by that time I was about halfway through my pregnancy. I ended up watching every season of survivor ( there are 40 seasons ! ) and binging multiple other shows on Netflix and Hulu.  My addiction for reality TV really blossomed. I discovered grocery pick up which has been a lifesaver and other than that I really just stayed home and stayed healthy which was great on my extra tired days. I didn’t need an excuse to stay home 😉

"What are your favorite things to do on the Space Coast and how will that change now that you have a little one? Do you have some favorite places to shop?"

Before I got pregnant I was a little bit of a workout junkie, I haven’t been cleared to work out again yet, but I am patiently waiting. We also used to go ride four wheeler‘s and SxS which wouldn’t be too safe with our little guy now so we will have to wait until he’s a little older to do that again. I think we will accumulate some new hobbies once the baby is old enough to enjoy activities like the zoo or going to theme parks. We also like to visit Doug‘s family in Saint Augustine whenever possible so now we have an extra passenger!

Our favorite swaddle is from Florida Kid Co.!!! I won a raffle with space Coast ultrasound during Easter and was gifted the swaddle, it’s so light weight which is perfect for these hot days when the baby still wants a blanket. It gets washed at least three times a week because we have to have it handy at all times! Coastal cloth baby located downtown is also a great small business for moms in the area, their stuff is GREAT quality and so cute. The first thing I bought when I found out I was pregnant was an outfit and a blanket from them.

"Have you found a good way to connect with other moms in the area?"

A lot of my friends were pregnant at the same time I was / still are. No joke... there were about 12 of us all due between July and December of this year. My best friend and I were pregnant at the same time which was pretty cool, this was her third baby though so I learned a lot from her. All of us preggos kept in contact for support and questions. I was also a part of a Facebook group for “pregnant women in Brevard during Covid” which was helpful with questions I didn’t even think to ask.

"What are some things you'd like to share with other new moms?"

I was not prepared for things that happen after birth. For example, breast-feeding. Nobody told me how painful it would be in the beginning, but how worth it it is once you get the hang of it. I now I have my “go to” breast-feeding gift set with all of the essentials for all of my friends that plan to breast-feed to help with the initial discomfort. I wish somebody would have warned me about that but I’m glad we powered through. I also was not prepared for how fast babies grow, my son just turned a month old yesterday and we are already grown out of our newborn wardrobe ☹️ Onto the next size up 😁

If you'd like to make an appointment for a 3D ultrasound or gender reveal from our resource - Space Coast Ultrasound, please visit their page here to learn more!



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