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The Jennifer Kremer - Space Coast Life and Success Coach

Space Coast Baby

As moms, we know that the overwhelm can sneak in and take over, almost paralyzing you from not only doing the things you NEED to do, but also the things you WANT to do. So Space Coast Baby has added a brand new resource that can help you, make YOU a priority! Read more before on Jennifer Kremer and how she helps high performing moms kick stress to the curb!

"What drove you to become a coach?"

When my daughter was 18 months old, I was sitting on the floor giving her a bath with my husband plopped up on the bathroom counter and was going on about not having anything for JUST ME.I was telling him about my best friend and how she had so many passions, yet I felt like I was living the same freaking day over and over again. How I felt like I didn’t have anything, FOR ME. From the outside it looked like I had it all, yet I felt like nothing was truly mine. See - that’s the thing. Trying to be perfect for everyone else, left me happy - but entirely empty. Does that sound like you too? Do you ever feel that way? To be really honest I even felt guilty for feeling that way. I have happy healthy children, a loving and supportive husband, and a wonderful career and life. Why on earth was that not enough?

WE, as women, are made for so much MORE, but only if we are truly whole from within first. Oh Mama, I feel you!  But we have to be ENOUGH to ourselves first. 

That’s when I realized that my gift, my passion and the THING that makes this mama, a better mama, is using my experiences, strengths, lessons and badass-ness to show other mama's just like you that YOU have strength and power too. That you can HAVE it all without GOING absolutely insane. 

There I was, SUPER excited! I found something I loved! I found my passion! 

And I decided to GO FOR IT… and then two days before I left for training I found out I was pregnant...with TWINS. Que panic attack.

And more than ever I had to find a way to  figure out how to have it all, without losing my mind, having panic attacks and without running around like a chicken with my head cut off all the time!

That’s when I made the choice and I went ALL in. 

I had a vision but was completely stressed with thinking how on earth I would find the time or “balance” in my life. 

I had ZERO idea how I would make it all happen, but I made a choice that my dreams and passions were worth it too so I took the leap and went for it! 

"Why are you passionate about it?"

My mission is to EMPOWER women just like you to LIVE out your passions. To create a life of success and happiness without sacrificing your values and yourself so you can show up in the world happier than ever and SHINE brightly for your family AND the world to see.  I help high performing moms kick stress to the curb so they can HAVE IT ALL. And we ALL DESERVE IT! 

My hope is that I can help enable every kind of mom (working, stay at home, single) to find their power and learn to live the life the most dream of!

I hope that my journey can provide hope that it's possible.

I found some great strategies that worked. I found ones that I will NEVER do again.



I invested in a coach. I tried meditation. I focused on things that I loved, like reading and being in community. I joined an awesome network of like minded females that could help teach me how to start a business. I asked my husband for support. I started getting up at 5:30AM to workout. 


I realized, as moms, we ALL may experience life differently, but the one thing I know is for sure, we all need support. We need judgment free RIDE OR DIE MOMMY friends that will LOVE us and CHALLENGE us. We need to be US. We need to be #1 and the leader of our own lives not just for our own benefit but for the benefit of everyone else in our lives too! . 

I want my kids to experience my self worth so that they understand they are ENOUGH, as is.

"What kind of coaching do you focus on?"

I help high performing moms kick stress to the curb!

If you are overwhelmed, stressed and totally not “feeling like yourself.” You don’t have to give up. You don’t have to keep on barely making it through the day. 

You CAN be a successful mama at work AND at home. You can be  PRESENT with your family AND go with the flow. You CAN be FULLY you, without apologies and feeling torn in a thousand different directions.

"Tell us about you, personally."

What I hope people feel about me when I leave this Earth: She was funny and Silly. She always had my back. She believed in me. She was a great mom to her four kids, she was a loving wife, but had her own goals and dreams. Jen and her husband Ryan always supported each others goals and showed their kids how to have a loving happy marriage. She was a badass at work and at home. She was strong. She taught her kids to love themselves and not need validation from others. She was a great friend. She empowered others to seek greatness. 

All that will have its ups and downs and take lots of work but I approach every day living out my future legacy.

"What is your vision for your coaching?"

My vision for my coaching services is that I help empower mamas to feel like they are creating their own life, not being a pulled in some many directions that they are always overwhelmed. I envision a community of women who are DOWN for each other. Who support each other to be the mom, employee, boss, friend, spouse they LOVE to be. My hope is to enable women to be a powerhouse of awesomeness so that they can be happy, healthy and present no matter dreams they choose to go after!

If you'd like to reach out to Jen for more information on coaching, visit her webpage at or follow her on social media at



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